St John the Evangelist Day

The Evangelist is particularly associated with Scottish lodges. The Lodge of Edinburgh was associated with the aisle of St. John the Evangelist in St. Giles Cathedral from the 15th century.ÊThe Grand Lodge of All England, and its predecessor, the Ancient Society of Freemasons in the City of York, elected and installed their President, then from

Happy Holidays! (Lodge is Dark)

May the blessings of heaven rest upon all of us during this holiday season. The officers and members of Austin Lodge No. 12, A.F. & A.M. under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas hope that we may all find peace, harmony, and charity in the world.

New Year’s Eve

Austin Lodge No. 12 wishes you and your family a very Happy New Year.

Masonry 101

Masonry 101, also known as Introduction to Freemasonry, is an in-person group meeting for interested people who want to learn more about Freemasonry. Join us every Monday from 5:00 to 6:30 pm to ask your questions and learn the truth about Freemasonry`s storied history, philosophy, symbolism and organization. This is open to all people including

Lodge Dinner

The Stewards of Austin Lodge No. 12 will provide a delicious dinner.Join us for food, fellowship, and fraternity each Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.Suggested Donation $10.00

Entered Apprentice Degree (2x)

Austin Lodge No. 12 has elected two new candidates for the degrees in Freemasonry. Please join us in initiating the men and future brothers into the Craft. Let There Be Light.

Masonry 101

Masonry 101, also known as Introduction to Freemasonry, is an in-person group meeting for interested people who want to learn more about Freemasonry. Join us every Monday from 5:00 to 6:30 pm to ask your questions and learn the truth about Freemasonry`s storied history, philosophy, symbolism and organization. This is open to all people including

Lodge Dinner

The Stewards of Austin Lodge No. 12 will provide a delicious dinner.Join us for food, fellowship, and fraternity each Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.Suggested Donation $10.00

Grand Lodge Annual Communication

The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas are a time when representatives of all lodges belonging to the Grand Lodge of Texas A.F.&A.M. meet in Waco. During that time incoming Grand Lodge officers get elected, and new laws voted upon.Each lodge that belongs to the Grand Lodge of Texas, and all past masters,

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