

There are two basic types of committees:

Standing – committees are created by the standing orders, rules, by-laws, or regulations of the Lodge. They function on a permanent basis. Examples of common standing committees would be finance, arbitration, education, etc.

Special – committees are appointed for a specific purpose and may not be used every year. An example is a committee to organize a social event or fundraiser.

Names of Committees:

Audit – it shall be the duty of this committee, at the close of each Masonic year, as soon as appointed, and oftener if required, to carefully examine and check up on the reports books and vouchers of the Secretary and Treasurer, and any other financial matters referred to them; and make a full accurate report at the next stated meeting of the Lodge, showing the condition of the books and accounts.

Investment & Financial Planning – it shall be the duty of this committee, throughout the ensuing Masonic year, to perform the following:
a. To make recommendations to the Lodge on how to best invest the funds in the Lodge Investment accounts.
b. To make recommendations to the Lodge on how to ensure that it maintain its tax-exempt status.
c. To offer the report of said committee at the first Stated Meeting of each quarter and to provide any and all related information to the Worshipful Master on request.

Masonic Education – it shall be the duty of this committee, throughout the ensuing Masonic year to perform the following:
a. To be a certified resource for the education of the Brethren in all areas of the Esoteric and Exoteric Work of the Lodge, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Grand Lodge Committee on Work.
b. To ensure that Candidates for the degrees are offered the best opportunity of receiving proper instruction in the work
c. To ensure that the Lodge consistently provides proficient ritual work when conferring the Degrees.
d. To coordinate the practices required to prepare the members who are participating in the Certification Examinations held annually by the Grand Lodge and to coordinate practices for the Degree Teams.
e. To ensure that The Lodge System of Candidate Information Program is properly administered.
f. To offer the report of said committee at each Stated Meeting and provide appropriate information to the Secretary for his records.

Membership – it shall be the duty of this committee, throughout the ensuing Masonic year to perform the following:
a. Membership Service & Retention, identify the needs of members and recommend the development of programs to meet those needs.
b. Increasing Membership, recommending means for increasing Lodge membership base through increased visibility in the community and the demonstration of the values of Freemasonry. Gathering information on and analyzing non-members’ needs and perceptions of Freemasonry. Recommending ways to meet those needs to attract men of good character to join the Lodge.
c. Keeping Membership informed, recommending to the elected officers and the Communications Committee ways to make prospective and current members aware of the resources, services, and membership benefits of the Lodge.
d. Membership Involvement, identify and contact Brethren who have not been active and develop programs to encourage their involvement in Lodge activities.
e. Welcoming New Members, recommending ways to acknowledge new members and to encourage participation in Lodge activities.
f. Investigation, ensure that there is an adequate pool of qualified Brethren, properly trained in the investigative process, for the Worshipful Master to draw from.
g. Membership Directory, to maintain a current and updated directory of members of the Lodge.
h. Masonic Information, to distribute Masonic literature at Lodge sponsored public events and to be available for questions related to Freemasonry and the Lodge.

Arbitration – it shall be the duty of this committee to settle all differences between Brethren, unless the parties prefer to bring the matter before the Lodge.

Sickness & Distress – it shall be the duty of this committee, throughout the ensuing Masonic year to perform the following:
a. Be responsible for Masonic outreach to our distressed brothers including but not limited to: transportation, caring for those who are ill, assisting with repairs and handyman work at home, etc…
b. To visit all sick Brethren (unless it would be dangerous or imprudent to do so), and ascertain their condition and necessities; and to take such action, as they may deem proper and necessary, both in regard to the brother and to his family.
c. To inform the Lodge and make recommendations as to how the Lodge might assist the Brother and his family.
d. To offer the report of said committee at each Stated Meeting and provide appropriate information to the Secretary for his records.

Fraternal Assistance – it shall be the duty of this committee to examine all claimants for assistance, and if necessary they may draw on the Treasurer, in each instance for an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). Amounts in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) may be distributed with upon receiving a favorable recommendation from this committee and approval from the Lodge.
a. To offer the report of said committee at each Stated Meeting and provide appropriate information to the Secretary for his records.