Austin Lodge No. 12 History
Austin Lodge No. 12 A.F.&A.M. was established the same year as the City of Austin in 1839. Since then it had many different locations and had to frequently move as the city they loved grew rapidly around them. Here is a list of the different locations that we were able to confirm.
First Stated Meetings were probably held at the first Texas Capital Building at 8th and Colorado Street.
Austin Lodge No. 12 moved into the second story of a new building on the Southwest Corner of 6th Street and Congress Avenue. This building was also shared with the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1841 and 1842.
The lodge moved into an old School House on 6th Street and Guadelupe. It was an L-shaped building.
LD Carrington Building (Phelps & Johnson), 700 Congress Ave, NW corner, of 7th Street and Congress Avenue.
February 4, 1866
Third Floor of George W. Glasscock building on East side of Congress Avenue, around 607 Congress Ave. On lots 3 & 4. A fire incinerated the lodge building and destroyed the charter and all lodge records of the time. That includes membership records and minutes.
Second Story of brick building owned by Brother George Hancock.
1867 – 1870
RS Rust & Co building, 2 doors down from the Old Swisher Hotel, on 600 block of Congress Avenue.
1871 – 1873
Austin Lodge No. 12 shared the third floor lodge room with the Austin Odd Fellows Lodge in the Rust & Moore building. This building was located at the Northwest Corner of Congress Avenue and Bois d’Arc (7th Street).
1873 – 1883
The lodge rented a building at Mr. Tipps building and paid rent to: Crow & Jones.
1883 – 1923
A new masonic temple was built at the South-East corner of 7th Street and Colorado.
1923 – 1968
The lodge moved into the Scottish Rite Temple located at 18th Street and Lavaca.
1968 – 2003
The lodge purchased a new building and moved in at 4220 Bull Creek Road.
2003 – present
After the sale of the most recent building, due to uncertainty about ever spiraling property taxes and before the State of Texas allowed non-profits to avoid paying those specific taxes, the Lodge decided to rent and move into the Scottish Rite Temple. This building later on changed its name and became the Scottish Rite Children’s Theater. Austin Lodge No. 12 AF & AM is still located to this day in this particular location.