Lodge Dinner

The Stewards of Austin Lodge No. 12 will provide a delicious dinner.Join us for food, fellowship, and fraternity each Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.Suggested Donation $10.00

Stated Meeting – September

Austin Lodge No. 12 hosts its Stated Meeting on the 3rd Monday of each month. Lodge opens at 7:30 pm in the Theatre. All regular masons in good standing are invited. Suggested dress code is coat and tie.An elegant dinner is prepared by our Stewards and served at 6:30 pm.

Masonry 101

Masonry 101, also known as Introduction to Freemasonry, is an in-person group meeting for interested people who want to learn more about Freemasonry. Join us every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm to ask your questions and learn the truth about Freemasonry`s storied history, philosophy, symbolism and organization. This is open to all people including

Lodge Dinner

The Stewards of Austin Lodge No. 12 will provide a delicious dinner.Join us for food, fellowship, and fraternity each Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.Suggested Donation $10.00

Introduction to Meditation

Austin Lodge No. 12 will be hosting an introduction to meditation led by our very own Bro. Shogen Judo.All Masons are welcome and no prior experience is required!

Masonry 101

Masonry 101, also known as Introduction to Freemasonry, is an in-person group meeting for interested people who want to learn more about Freemasonry. Join us every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm to ask your questions and learn the truth about Freemasonry`s storied history, philosophy, symbolism and organization. This is open to all people including

Lodge Dinner

The Stewards of Austin Lodge No. 12 will provide a delicious dinner.Join us for food, fellowship, and fraternity each Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.Suggested Donation $10.00

Master Mason Degree

Austin Lodge No. 12 A.F. & A.M. will raise a worthy brother to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Please join us in conferring this Master Mason degree to a worthy brother.

Fall Festiveboard

  Please join us in welcoming the Grand Master of Texas, the Most Worshipful Tommy F. Chapman, to our Fall Festive Board. Austin Lodge No. 12 celebrates its 185th anniversary at the historic Austin Club. Enjoy a delicious meal and masonic fellowship along with an esoteric presentation as well as paying honors to the

Masonry 101

Masonry 101, also known as Introduction to Freemasonry, is an in-person group meeting for interested people who want to learn more about Freemasonry. Join us every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm to ask your questions and learn the truth about Freemasonry`s storied history, philosophy, symbolism and organization. This is open to all people including

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