Grand Master Conference – Waco

Join the Grand Master, Trustees and Grand Lodge officers for a conference in which important topics regarding Freemasonry in Texas will be discussed. Enjoy fellowship and meet new brothers.

San Jacinto Historical Observance

Join the Grand Master, Trustees, Grand Lodge officers and many other Texas masons to celebrate the annual commemoration of this historic event.

MWSA Meeting (Hosted by University Lodge No. 1190)

University Lodge No. 1190 will be hosting the District 50 MWSA (Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association).Ê This District 50 event traditionally meets on the 4th instance of the hosting lodge's stated meeting day. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm Lodge opens at 7:30 pm

Masonic Oak Observance

Join the Grand Master, Trustees, Grand Lodge officers and many other Texas masons to celebrate the annual commemoration of this historic event.

LIFE Program (Hosted by Austin Lodge No. 12)

Join us for a LIFE Program by the District Education Officer. All participants will receive certification which is the GL equivalent of the OLT requirement for Lodge officers. This event will only take place if we have sufficient amount of people committed to attend. Please RSVP at the link : RSVP here

MWSA Meeting (Hosted by T Neal Porter Lodge No. 1354)

T Neal Porter Lodge No. 1354 will be hosting the District 50 MWSA (Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association). This District 50 event traditionally meets on the 4th instance of the hosting lodge's stated meeting day. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm Lodge opens at 7:30 pm

MWSA Meeting (Hosted by Austin Lodge No. 12)

Austin Lodge No. 12 will be hosting the District 50 MWSA (Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association).  This District 50 event traditionally meets on the 4th instance of the hosting lodge's stated meeting day.Dinner is served at 6:30 pmLodge opens at 7:30 pm

Grand Lodge Annual Communication

The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas are a time when representatives of all lodges belonging to the Grand Lodge of Texas A.F.&A.M. meet in Waco. During that time incoming Grand Lodge officers get elected, and new laws voted upon.Each lodge that belongs to the Grand Lodge of Texas, and all past masters,