Dues, Degree Fees, and Donations

Annual Dues

During the 2022 – 2023 Masonic year, the members voted unanimously to increase the dues by $50 a year over a period of three years. As a result, the dues owed in 2023 were $200, the dues owed in 2024 are $250 and starting in 2025 the dues owed will be $300. These increases are, unfortunately, necessary to cover the growing operational budget of the Lodge (e.g., our rent more than doubling in September of 2024).

Dues may be paid electronically using the below options. Cash or check can also be submitted to the Lodge Secretary either in person or via mail.

When paying electronically please be aware that all transactions include fees charged by PayPal.

When paying by mail, please use the following address:

Austin Lodge No. 12
P.O. Box 5150
Austin, Texas 78763

2025 Dues: $250 (Pay by December 31, 2024)
2024 Dues: $200 (Pay by December 31, 2023)
Prorated Dues (Please enter the amount as provided by the Secretary. Note: The PayPal transaction fees are included as tax + shipping charges)


Automatic Suspension – non-payment of dues Art. 319. (354)
Lodge dues are due and payable one year in advance on January 1st of each year (unless otherwise exempt) and if not paid on or before that date a member shall be in arrears for his dues; and on or before thirty days before the last stated meeting of the Lodge held before June 24th of each year, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify each member, in writing, who may be in arrears for any dues, and if such member fails to pay such dues on or before June 23rd of such year, he shall stand automatically suspended for non-payment of dues without action by the Lodge, and such suspension shall be recorded in the minutes at the first subsequent stated meeting of the Lodge.

Degree Fees

Degree Fees must be paid to the Secretary prior to receiving the degree. You may pay your degree fee electronically using the below option. Cash or check can also be submitted to the Lodge Secretary in person.

When paying electronically please be aware that all transactions include fees charged by PayPal.

In 2020, the members of the Lodge voted to set the cost of an endowment at twenty times the amount of the annual dues for the year in which the endowment is purchased. As such, purchasing an endowment in 2024 will cost $5,000. This will increase to $6,000 in 2025. Please speak with the Secretary or Treasurer if you are interested in purchasing an endowment.

Endowments are also referred to as life-time memberships. They allow the member not to pay any further annual dues without becoming suspended for non-payment of dues. However, the lodge still owes annual per-capita fees to the Grand Lodge of Texas for that member. It is heavily encouraged for the member to consider contributing an annual amount to the lodge of at least that amount to avoid becoming a financial burden to the lodge.

Members that have previously purchased an endowment may purchase additional units using the below option. Cash or check can also be submitted to the Lodge Secretary either in person or via mail.

When paying electronically please be aware that all transactions include fees charged by PayPal.

When paying by mail, please use the following address:

Austin Lodge No. 12
P.O. Box 5150
Austin, Texas 78763

Endowment Units (Please enter the number of additional units you are purchasing)

You may make a donation to the Lodge’s operational or charitable funds by clicking on the “Donate” button below. You will be taken to PayPal to complete the transaction. Please be sure to select the appropriate fund from the options on the PayPal interface so your donation is applied correctly. Donations to Austin Lodge No. 12 are not tax deductible.